§ 36-10-23.1 Benefit payable on death ofretired legislator. In addition to any service retirement allowance paid to any person who shallhave served as a member of the senate or of the house of representativespursuant to § 36-10-10, there shall be payable, in lieu of the benefitpayable on death after retirement as provided by § 36-10-23, the ordinarydeath benefit provided in § 36-10-21, P.L. 1960, ch. 132, to be paid uponthe death of a member occurring while in an employee status before retirement,notwithstanding the death of the former member of the general assembly in factoccurs after retirement, provided the former member of the general assembly hadretained his or her ordinary death benefit insurance coverage by paying theannual contribution provided in § 36-10-22.