§ 36-10-36 Post retirement employment. (a) On and after July 7, 1994, no member who has retired under the provisionsof titles 16, 36, or 45 may be employed or reemployed by any state agency ordepartment unless any and all retirement benefits to which he or she may beentitled by virtue of the provisions of titles 16, 36 or 45 are suspended forthe duration of any employment or reemployment. No additional service creditsshall be granted for any post-retirement employment or reemployment and nodeductions shall be taken from an individual's salary for retirementcontribution. Notice of any such post-retirement employment or reemploymentshall be sent monthly to the retirement board by the employing agency ordepartment and by the retired member.
(b) Any member who has retired under the provisions of titles16, 36, or 45 may be employed or reemployed by any municipality within thestate, which municipality has accepted the provisions of chapter 21 of title 45and which participates in the municipal employees' retirement system for aperiod of not more than seventy-five (75) working days or one hundred fifty(150) half days with half day pay in any one calendar year without anyforfeiture of or reduction of any retirement benefits and allowances the memberis receiving or may receive as a retired member. Pension payments shall besuspended whenever this period is exceeded. No additional contributions shallbe taken and no additional service credits shall be granted for this service.Notice of this employment or re-employment shall be sent monthly to theretirement board by the employer and by the retired member.
(c) Any member who has retired under the provisions of title16, 36, or 45 may be employed or re-employed by any municipality within thestate which has not accepted the provisions of chapter 21 of title 45 and whichdoes not participate in the municipal employees' retirement system.
(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section:
(1) Any retired member of the system shall be permitted toserve as an elected mayor, the town administrator, the city administrator, thetown manager, the city manager, the chief administrative officer or the chiefexecutive officer of any city or town, city or town council member, schoolcommittee member, or unpaid member of any part-time state board or commissionor member of any part-time municipal board or commission, and shall continue tobe eligible for and receive the retirement allowance for service other thanthat as a mayor, administrator, council member, school committee member, ormember of any state board or commission or member of any part-time municipalboard or commission; provided, however, that no additional service creditsshall be granted for any service under this subsection;
(2) Any retired member who retired from service at any statecollege, university, state school, or who retired from service as a teacherunder the provisions of title 16, or who retired from service under title 36 ortitle 45, may be employed or reemployed, on a part-time basis, by any statecollege, university or state school for the purpose of providing classroominstruction, academic advising of students and/or coaching. Compensation shallbe provided at a level not to exceed the salary provided to other facultymembers employed under a collective bargaining agreement at the institution. Inno event shall "part-time" mean gross pay of more than fifteen thousand dollars($15,000) in any one calendar year. Any retired member who provides suchinstruction or service shall do so without forfeiture or reduction of anyretirement benefit or allowance; and provided, however, that no additionalservice credits shall be granted for any service under this subsection;
(3) Any retired member who retired from service as a teacherunder the provisions of title 16, or as a state employee who while an activestate employee was certified to teach driver education by the department ofelementary and secondary education or by the board of governors for highereducation, may be employed or reemployed, on a part-time basis, by thedepartment of elementary and secondary education or by the board of governorsfor higher education for the purpose of providing classroom instruction indriver education courses in accordance with § 31-10-19 and/or motorcycledriver education courses in accordance with § 31-10.1-1.1. In no eventshall "part-time" mean gross pay of more than fifteen thousand dollars($15,000) in any one calendar year. Any retired teacher who provides thatinstruction shall do so without forfeiture or reduction of any retirementbenefit or allowance the retired teacher is receiving as a retired teacher;provided, however, that no additional service credits shall be granted for anyservice under this subsection; and
(4) Any retired member who retired from service as aregistered nurse may be employed or reemployed, on a per diem basis, for thepurpose of providing professional nursing care and/or services at a stateoperated facility in Rhode Island. In no event shall "part-time" mean gross payof more than twelve thousand dollars ($12,000) in any one calendar year. Anyretired nurse who provides such care and/or services shall do so withoutforfeiture or reduction of any retirement benefit or allowance the retirednurse is receiving as a retired nurse; provided, however, that no additionalservice credits shall be granted for any service under this subsection.
(5) [Effective until March 2, 2009.] Any retiredmember who retired from service with the department of labor and training, isproficient in the processing of unemployment insurance claims, as establishedby the department, and has extensive experience working in the administrationof the unemployment insurance program may be employed or reemployed by thedepartment for the purpose processing unemployment insurance claims betweenJanuary 27, 2009 and March 1, 2009 without any forfeiture of or reduction ofany retirement benefits and allowances that he or she is receiving or mayreceive. Compensation shall be provided at a level not to exceed the salaryprovided to others employed under the collective bargaining agreement. Pensionpayments shall be suspended whenever this period is exceeded. No additionalcontributions shall be taken and no additional service credits shall be grantedfor this service. Notice of this employment or re-employment shall be sentmonthly to the retirement board by the employer and by the retired member.
(b) The provisions of subsection 36-10-36(d)(5)(a) shallexpire on March 2, 2009.
(c) [Effective until April 4, 2009.] Any retiredmember who retired from service with the department of labor and training, isproficient in the processing of unemployment insurance claims, as establishedby the department, and has extensive experience working in the administrationof the unemployment insurance program may be employed or reemployed by thedepartment for the purpose processing unemployment insurance claims betweenMarch 3, 2009 and April 3, 2009 without any forfeiture of or reduction of anyretirement benefits and allowances that he or she is receiving or may receive.Compensation shall be provided at a level not to exceed the salary provided toothers employed under the collective bargaining agreement. Pension paymentsshall be suspended whenever this period is exceeded. No additionalcontributions shall be taken and no additional service credits shall be grantedfor this service. Notice of this employment or re-employment shall be sentmonthly to the retirement board by the employer and by the retired member.
(d) The provisions of subsection 36-10-36(d)(5)(c) shallexpire on April 4, 2009.