§ 36-10-9.2 Retirement on serviceallowance Correctional officers. (a) This section shall apply to the retirement of members employed as assistantdirector (adult services), assistant deputy director, chief of inspection, andassociate directors, correctional officer, chief of security, workrehabilitation program supervisor, supervisor of custodial records and reports,and classification counselor within the department of corrections.
(b) Any member who has attained the age of fifty (50) yearsmay be retired subsequent to the proper execution and filing of a writtenapplication; provided, however, that the member shall have completed twenty(20) years of total service within the department of corrections and whoretires before October 1, 2009 or is eligible to retire as of September 30,2009.
(ii) For members who become eligible to retire on or afterOctober 1, 2009, benefits are available to members who have attained the age offifty-five (55) and have completed at least twenty-five (25) years of totalservice within the department of corrections. For members in service as ofOctober 1, 2009 who were not eligible to retire as of September 30, 2009, theminimum retirement age of fifty-five (55) will be adjusted downward inproportion to the amount of service the member has earned as of September 30,2009. The proportional formula shall work as follows:
(1) The formula shall determine the first age of retirementeligibility under the laws in effect on September 30, 2009 which shall then besubtracted from the minimum retirement age of fifty-five (55).
(2) The formula shall then take the member's total servicecredit as of September 30, 2009 as the numerator and the years of servicecredit determined under (1) as the denominator.
(3) The fraction determined in (2) shall then be multipliedby the age difference determined in (1) to apply a reduction in years from agefifty-five (55).