§ 36-11-13 Affirmative action provisions. (a) The director of the department of administration shall direct the associatedirector of human resources to include proposals for affirmative actionprovisions as a subject for all collective bargaining negotiations. Theproposals shall include, at a minimum but not limited to, the followingpersonnel actions: recruitment; new hires; promotions; transfers; terminations;training and education; layoffs and return from layoff.
(b) The proposals shall also include a provision that all newand vacant positions shall be filled with due consideration to equalopportunity and affirmative action interests, especially when a manifestimbalance exists within a specific job category. Manifest imbalance, as usedherein, shall mean the statistical under representation of minorities (ascurrently defined in federal employment law as Blacks, Hispanics, AmericanIndians, including Alaskan Natives, and Asians, including Pacific Islanders) inspecific job categories.