§ 36-11-2 Discrimination because ofmembership in employee organization prohibited. There shall be no discrimination against any state employee because theemployee has formed, joined, or chosen to be represented by any labororganization or employee organization. Membership in any employee organizationmay be determined by each individual employee; provided, however, that in areaswhere employees have selected an exclusive bargaining representativeorganization, all nonmembers of the exclusive bargaining representativeorganization shall pay to the exclusive employee organization a service chargeas a contribution toward the negotiation and administration of any collectivebargaining agreement in an amount equal to the regular biweekly membership duesof the organization, with the state controller being hereby directed uponcertification of the exclusive bargaining organization to deduct biweekly fromthe employee's salary the above amount and remit the amount to the treasurer ofthe exclusive bargaining organization. Supervisory employees shall not endorseany particular employee organization or, by reason of membership in anyorganization, show prejudice or discriminate toward any individual employee.