§ 36-12-1 Definitions. The following words, as used in §§ 36-12-1 36-12-14, shallhave the following meanings:
(1) "Employer", means the state of Rhode Island.
(2) "Employee", means all persons who are classifiedemployees as the term "classified employee" is defined under § 36-3-3, andall persons in the unclassified and non-classified service of the state;provided, however, that the following shall not be included as "employees"under §§ 36-12-1 36-12-14:
(i) Part-time personnel whose work week is less than twenty(20) hours a week and limited period and seasonal personnel;
(ii) Members of the general assembly, its clerks,doorkeepers, and pages.
(3) "Dependents" means an employee's spouse, domestic partnerand unmarried children under nineteen (19) years of age. Domestic partnersshall certify by affidavit to the benefits director of the division ofpersonnel that the (i) partners are at least eighteen (18) years of age and arementally competent to contract, (ii) partners are not married to anyone, (iii)partners are not related by blood to a degree which would prohibit marriage inthe state of Rhode Island, (iv) partners reside together and have residedtogether for at least one year, (v) partners are financially interdependent asevidenced by at least two (2) of the following: (A) domestic partnershipagreement or relationship contract; (B) joint mortgage or joint ownership ofprimary residence, (C) two (2) of: (I) joint ownership of motor vehicle; (II)joint checking account; (III) joint credit account; (IV) joint lease; and/or(D) the domestic partner has been designated as a beneficiary for theemployee's will, retirement contract or life insurance. Misrepresentation ofinformation in the affidavit will result in an obligation to repay the benefitsreceived, and a civil fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1000)enforceable by the attorney general and payable to the general fund. Theemployee will notify the benefits director of the division of personnel bycompletion of a form prescribed by the benefits director when the domesticpartnership ends.
(4) "Retired employee", means all persons retired from theactive service of the state, who, immediately prior to retirement, wereemployees of the state as determined by the retirement board under §36-8-1, and also all retired teachers who have elected to come under theemployees' retirement system of the state of Rhode Island.
(5) "Long-term health care insurance", means any insurancepolicy or rider advertised, marketed, offered, or designed to provide coveragefor not less than twelve (12) consecutive months for each covered person on anexpense incurred, indemnity, prepaid, or other basis for one or more necessaryor medically necessary diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitative,maintenance, or personal care services, provided in a setting other than anacute care unit of a hospital. The term includes: group and individual policiesor riders whether issued by insurers, fraternal benefit societies, nonprofithealth, hospital, and medical service corporations; prepaid health plans,health maintenance organizations; or any similar organization. Long-term healthcare insurance shall not include: any insurance policy which is offeredprimarily to provide basic medicare supplement coverage; basic hospital expensecoverage; basic medical-surgical expense coverage; hospital confinementindemnity coverage; major medical expense coverage; disability incomeprotection coverage; accident only coverage; specified disease or specifiedaccident coverage; or limited benefit health coverage. This list of excludedcoverages is illustrative and is not intended to be all inclusive.
(6) "Retiree health care insurance", means the health benefitemployees who retire from active service of the state (subsequent to July 1,1989), who immediately prior to retirement were employees of the state asdetermined by the retirement board pursuant to § 36-8-1, shall be entitledto receive, which shall be equal to semi-private hospital care,surgical/medical care and major medical with a one hundred seventy-five dollar($175) calendar year deductible. Employees who retire prior to age sixty-five(65) shall, upon the attainment of Medicare eligibility, receive hospital care,surgical/medical services, rights and benefits which, when taken together withtheir federal Medicare program benefits (public law 89-97), 42 U.S.C. §1305 et seq., shall be comparable to those provided for retirees prior to thatage. The aforementioned program will be provided on a shared basis inaccordance with § 36-12-4.