§ 36-14.1-2 Prohibited conduct Exceptions. (a) No state vendor shall provide goods or services for less than fair marketvalue for the personal use of a procurement official of a state agency if thevendor has sold goods and services during the preceding twenty-four (24) monthsto the state agency or if the vendor knows or has reason to know he or she willbe submitting a bid or making a proposal for the sale of goods or serviceswithin the succeeding twenty-four (24) months to the state agency.
(b) No procurement official of a state agency shall acceptgoods or services for his or her personal use for less than fair market valuefrom a state vendor who has sold goods or services to the agency during thepreceding twenty-four (24) months or who the procurement official knows or hasreason to know will be submitting a bid or making a proposal for the sale ofgoods or services to the agency within the succeeding twenty-four (24) months.
(c) The prohibition set forth in subsection (a) of thissection shall not apply to goods or services having a fair market value of lessthan one hundred dollars ($100).