§ 36-14-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Any person within his or her family" means a spouse andany dependent children of any public official or public employee as well as aperson who is related to any public official or public employee, whether byblood, adoption or marriage, as any of the following: father, mother, son,daughter, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter,father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law,daughter-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother,stepsister, halfbrother or halfsister;
(2) "Business" means a sole proprietorship, partnership,firm, corporation, holding company, joint stock company, receivership, trust,or any other entity recognized in law through which business for profit or notfor profit is conducted;
(3) "Business associate" means a person joined together withanother person to achieve a common financial objective;
(4) "Employees of state and local government, of boards,commissions and agencies" means any full time or part time employees in theclassified, nonclassified and unclassified service of the state or of any cityor town within the state, any individuals serving in any appointed state ormunicipal position, and any employees of any public or quasi-public state ormunicipal board, commission, or corporation;
(5) "Governmental function" means any action that is publicin nature and is performed for the common good of all the people;
(6) "Open and public process" means the open solicitation forbids or proposals from the general public by public announcement or publicadvertising followed by a public disclosure of all bids or proposals consideredand contracts awarded;
(7) "Person" means an individual or a business entity;
(8) "State agency" means any department, division, agency,commission, board, office, bureau, authority, or quasi-public authority withinRhode Island, either branch of the Rhode Island general assembly, or an agencyor committee thereof, the judiciary, or any other agency that is in any branchof Rhode Island state government and which exercises governmental functionsother than in an advisory nature;
(ii) "Municipal agency" means any department, division,agency, commission, board, office, bureau, authority, quasi-public authority,or school, fire or water district within Rhode Island other than a state agencyand any other agency that is in any branch of municipal government andexercises governmental functions other than in an advisory nature;
(9) "State or municipal appointed official" means any officeror member of a state or municipal agency as defined herein who is appointed fora term of office specified by the constitution or a statute of this state or acharter or ordinance of any city or town or who is appointed by or through thegoverning body or highest official of state or municipal government;
(10) "State or municipal elected official" means any personholding any elective public office pursuant to a general or special election;
(11) A person's natural child, adopted child, or stepchild ishis or her "dependent child" during a calendar year if the person provides overfifty percent (50%) of the child's support during the year;
(12) A person "represents" him or herself before a state ormunicipal agency if he or she participates in the presentation of evidence orarguments before that agency for the purpose of influencing the judgment of theagency in his or her own favor;
(13) A person "represents" another person before a state ormunicipal agency if he or she is authorized by that other person to act, anddoes in fact act, as that other person's attorney at law or his or her attorneyin fact in the presentation of evidence or arguments before that agency for thepurpose of influencing the judgment of the agency in favor of that other person.
(14) "Major decision-making position" means the executive oradministrative head or heads of a state agency, whether elected or appointed orserving as an employee and all members of the judiciary, both state andmunicipal. For state agencies, a "major decision-making position" shall includethe positions of deputy director, executive director, assistant director andchief of staff.