§ 36-14-9 Administrative powers of thecommission. (a) The commission is hereby empowered to:
(1) Engage the services of an executive director and of otherlegal, secretarial, and investigative employees, who shall be bound by theprohibitions contained in § 36-14-8(f), and to make such otherexpenditures as are necessary for the effective performance of its functions;
(2) Separately retain the services of independent legalcounsel who shall be bound by the prohibitions contained in § 36-14-8(f)and who shall remain independent of the executive director and other commissionemployees;
(3) Prescribe and publish, after notice and public hearings,rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this chapter;
(4) Prescribe forms for statements and reports required to befiled by this chapter and furnish the forms to persons required to filestatements and reports;
(5) Prepare and publish a manual setting forth recommendeduniform methods of accounting and reporting for use by persons required to filestatements and reports by this chapter;
(6) Accept and file any information voluntarily supplied thatexceeds the requirements of this chapter;
(7) Compile and maintain an index of all reports andstatements filed with the commission to facilitate public access to the reportsand statements;
(8) Prepare and publish quarterly and annually summaries ofstatements and reports filed with the commission;
(9) Review all statements and reports filed with thecommission in order to ascertain whether any person has failed to file arequired statement or has filed a deficient statement;
(10) Preserve statements and reports filed with thecommission for a period of five (5) years from date of receipt;
(11) Prepare and publish special reports and technicalstudies to further the purposes of this chapter;
(12) Prepare and publish, prior to April 1 of each year, anannual report summarizing the activities of the commission, including, but notlimited to, the:
(i) Number of disclosure statements filed;
(ii) Subjects of advisory opinions requested and issued;
(iii) Number of complaints filed, investigated and/oradjudicated;
(13) Have a seal and the members, executive director, andassistant clerks thereof shall have authority and power to administer oaths andaffirmations;
(14) Educate public officials, employees, and citizens onethical standards as embodied in the code of ethics by holding regularworkshops, seminars, and the like, focusing on the specifics of the code ofethics and compliance therewith;
(15) Create publications to explain the ethical conductexpected of officials and employees.
(b) The rulemaking power conferred by subsection (a)(3) ofthis section shall be subject to, and shall be exercised in conformity with,§§ 42-35-2 42-35-7.
(c) Unless specifically prohibited, the commission shall makestatements and reports filed with the commission available for publicinspection and copying during regular office hours and make copying facilitiesavailable at a charge not to exceed actual cost.