§ 36-16-1 State employment contracts Prohibitions. (a) No state agency, department of government, commission, board, authority,public corporation, governmental or quasi-governmental body, autonomous orotherwise, which is created by authority of the general assembly, executiveorder, or state law, shall enter into any contract or agreement with anyindividual, firm, or partnership which provides for any of the following upontermination of employment:
(1) Termination damages or benefits, including continuationof salary or other compensation for more than six (6) months from the date oftermination;
(2) Severance pay, excepting accrued vacation pay, sick leavebenefits, or health care benefits, for more than one year from the date oftermination;
(3) Mandatory hiring, payment, or compensation for workperformed or services rendered as a consultant or in any other capacityfollowing termination; or
(4) Which provides for a contract term in excess of three (3)years.
(b) This section shall not apply to collective bargainingagreements entered into between an employer and a labor organization as definedin § 28-7-3.