§ 36-3.1-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Alternative work schedules" means a plan of employmentwhich varies the workday, workweek, and work schedules as an alternative to theconventional workweek, while still working the total basic number of hoursrequired of their job. Alternative work schedules include flexitime, compressedworkweeks, jobsharing, permanent part-time, and other alternative work plans.Alternative work schedules must first be approved by the appointing authorityand reviewed by the personnel administrator.
(2) "Compressed workweek" means a working schedule whichcompresses the biweekly pay period into less than ten (10) working days.
(3) "Flexible-time employment" or "flexitime" as used in thischapter means employment in which the workday of a full-time employee consistsof at least four (4) work hours worked between hours which are specified andknown as "core time", and the remaining hours of which may be worked by theemployee, as approved by the supervisor from among hours which are specified asthe earliest time an employee may normally start work and the latest time anemployee may normally stop work without special arrangements made in advanceand known as the "bandwidth" of the workday.
(4) "Job-sharing" means a work plan in which two (2) or morepersons share one job, jointly assuming responsibility for the job's output.
(5) "Permanent part-time" means a work schedule whichprovides for less than thirty-five (35) hours per week on a nontemporary basis.