§ 36-3-6 Personnel appeal board Appointment and terms of members. There is hereby established a personnel appeal board to consist of five (5)qualified electors who shall be known to be in sympathy with the application ofmodern personnel practices, under a merit system of personnel administration,in the public service and not more than three (3) of whom shall be members ofthe same political party. In the month of March in each odd numbered year, thegovernor, with the consent of the senate, shall appoint members of thepersonnel appeal board to succeed the members whose term will next expire. Eachmember of the board so appointed shall hold office until the first day of Aprilin the sixth year following his or her appointment and until his or hersuccessor is appointed and qualified. A vacancy, whatever the circumstances ofits creation, shall be filled by appointment of the governor with the consentof the senate within sixty (60) days and only for the unexpired portion of theterm.