§ 36-4-28 Probationary period. All original appointments and promotional appointments to the classifiedservice shall be for a probationary period of six (6) months, during which timethe appointment authority shall report to the personnel administrator everysixty (60) days concerning the work of the employee and at the expiration ofthe probationary period unless the appointing authority files with thepersonnel administrator a statement in writing that the services of theemployee during the probationary period have not been satisfactory and that itis not desired that he or she be continued in the service, he or she shallreceive permanent status in this classification. Any employee may be dismissedby the appointing authority during the probationary period for reasons relatingto the employee's qualifications or for the good of the service stated by theappointing authority in writing and filed with the personnel administrator. Theprobationary period is further defined to be one hundred and thirty (130) daysworked in the classified position to which the person has been appointed.