§ 36-4-37 Layoffs Preference forretention or reemployment. An appointing authority may lay off a classified employee whenever he or shedeems it necessary because of a material change in duties or organization, orshortage or stoppage of work or funds. In every case of layoff, the appointingauthority shall, before the effective date of the layoff, give written noticeof his or her action to the personnel administrator and the employee and shallcertify that consideration has been given to length and quality of service ofall employees in the affected class under his or her jurisdiction. No employeewith full status shall be laid off while probational, provisional, or temporaryemployees are employed by the same appointing authority in the same class ofpositions. No probationary employee shall be laid off while provisional ortemporary employees are employed by the same appointing authority in the sameclass of positions. No provisional employee shall be laid off while temporaryemployees are employed by the same appointing authority in the same class ofpositions. Nor shall any temporary appointment be made to any position in theclass by the appointing authority while any employee who has been laid off bythe appointing authority is available for certification from a reemploymentlist. Any person who has held full status and who has been laid off shall havehis or her name placed on the appropriate reemployment list.