§ 36-4-40.2 Hearings Appeals. (a) Immediately upon receipt of a written appeal request, the administrator ofadjudication shall send a notice to all parties involved, pursuant to §42-35-9. Hearings shall be held in an informal manner. However, the rules ofevidence shall be followed whenever possible and a record of all hearings shallbe made, either stenographically or by mechanical recording means.
(b) The administrator of adjudication shall, within twenty(20) calendar days of the hearing, render a decision in writing stating allpertinent facts and issues presented at the hearing, which decision shallcontain findings of fact and conclusions of law, separately stated.
(c) Parties shall be notified either personally or by mail ofthe decision. Upon request, a copy of the decision shall be delivered or mailedforthwith to each party and to his or her attorney of record.
(d) A copy of a decision and transcript of a hearing shall beforwarded to the personnel appeal board when an appeal is taken. The cost of atranscript so supplied shall be borne by the appellant.