§ 36-4-42 Appeal from appointing authorityto appeal board. Any state employee with provisional, probationary, or permanent status whofeels aggrieved by an action of an appointing authority resulting in ademotion, suspension, layoff, or dismissal or by any personnel action which anappointing authority might take which causes the person to believe that he orshe had been discriminated against because of his or her race, sex, age,disability, or his or her political or religious beliefs, may, within thirty(30) calendar days of the mailing of the notice of that action, appeal inwriting to the personnel appeal board for a review or public hearing. Withinthirty (30) days after conclusion of the hearing the personnel appeal boardshall render a decision and shall notify the affected employee and otherinterested parties of the decision which may confirm or reduce the demotion,suspension, layoff, or dismissal of the employee or may reinstate the employeeand the board may order payment of part or all of the salary to the employeefor the period of time he or she was demoted, suspended, laid off, ordismissed. The decision of the board shall be final and binding upon allparties concerned, and upon the finding of the personnel administrator, or uponappeal, in favor of the employee, the employee shall be forthwith returned tohis or her office or position without loss of compensation, seniority, or anyother benefits he or she may have enjoyed, or under such terms as the appealboard shall determine. The employee who is returned to his or her office orposition by the appeal board following a review or public hearing shall begranted by the state of Rhode Island counsel fees, payable to his or herrepresentative counsel, of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each day his or hercounsel is required to appear before the appeal board in the behalf of theaggrieved employee.