§ 36-4-47 Personnel roster and records Tabulation and analysis of data. The personnel administrator shall maintain a perpetual roster of all officersand employees in the unclassified and classified services and all persons fromother departments or agencies of the state which receive funds from the stateshowing for each person the title of the position held, the position number,his or her departmental or other agency assignment, his or her salary rate,date of appointment, complete employment history, and other such data as thepersonnel administrator deems pertinent. The personnel administrator shall alsomaintain other such personnel records as he or she considers desirable, andshall make available to the governor, the legislature, the director, departmentand institution executives, and other persons having a proper interest therein,tabulations and analyses of such personnel data as he or she has available. Asimilar perpetual roster shall also be maintained showing for each person namedthe title of the position held, the position number, his or her departmental orother agency assignment, his or her salary rate and date of employment whichshall be made available for public inspection at the request of any person.