§ 36-4-53 Solicitation of politicalcontributions. No classified employee or member of the personnel appeal board shall solicitcontributions for nor shall he or she be solicited to contribute to anypolitical party or campaign. Every officer, agent, clerk, or employee under thegovernment of the state who may have charge or control in any building, office,or room occupied for any purpose of the state government is hereby authorizedto prohibit the entry of any person, and he or she shall not permit any personto enter the building, office, or room, for the purpose of therein making,collecting, receiving, or giving notice of any political assessment,subscription, or contribution, and no person shall enter or remain in thatbuilding, office, or room, or send or direct any letter or other noticethereto, for the purpose of giving notice of, demanding, or collecting apolitical assessment, subscription, or contribution, nor shall any persontherein give notice of, demand, collect, receive, or pay the assessment,subscription, or contribution contrary to the provisions of this chapter.