§ 36-4-64 Sick leave Workers'compensation. (a) Whenever an employee shall be absent from his or her duties and is awaitingworkers' compensation benefits, he or she shall be granted sick leave in anamount not to exceed his or her regular compensation.
(b) Whenever an employee shall be absent from his or herduties and is receiving compensation as provided in the workers' compensationlaws, he or she shall be granted sick leave so that the total of his or hercompensation as provided in the workers' compensation laws and his or herdeductions from sick leave shall not exceed eighty three and three tenthspercent (83.3%) of his or her regular compensation. Deductions from accumulatedcredits shall be applied only to that part of his or her salary which is paidas an addition to workers' compensation payments. Annual leave credits may beapplied in the same manner. When the absence shall not be covered by sick leaveor annual leave it shall be deemed to be leave without pay.