§ 36-5-2 Rights of employees enteringservice after both classified and unclassified service. Every employee holding a position in the classified service of the state, on orafter August 8, 1940, who has left or shall leave that position by reason ofentering the armed forces of the United States (whether through membership inthe reserve of the United States military, air, or naval forces or in the RhodeIsland national guard or naval reserve, or by reason of enlistment, induction,commission, or otherwise) and who has held a position in the classified servicefor less than one hundred eighty (180) days, but who has also held a positionin the unclassified service, so that the cumulative service, both classifiedand unclassified, aggregates one hundred eighty (180) or more calendar dayswithin the twelve (12) months next preceding entrance into the armed forces, isentitled to and is hereby granted the same rights of leave, payment of salary,accrual of sick leave and annual leave, and of return to his or her positionunder the same conditions as an employee whose entire one hundred eighty (180)days or more are or were in the classified service.