§ 36-5-3 Retirement or pension credit forperiod in military service. Whenever any employee of the state, or of any city, town, or politicalsubdivision thereof, has been, is now, or shall be on a leave of absence fromthat employment because of service in the armed forces of the United States ofAmerica during any war in which the United States has been, is now, or shall beengaged, the leave of absence shall be construed as continuous employment forretirement pension and prescribed rights or benefits in any establishedretirement system or pension fund by whatever name called, as though theemployee had not been on a leave of absence. The employee shall be entitled toall the rights, protections and privileges offered under the Uniformed ServicesEmployment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA), Title 38 U.S. Code,§§ 4301 4333 (38 U.S.C. 4301 4333) as those sectionsapply to retirement or pension benefits.