§ 36-6-19 Hospital care, hospitalsurgical-medical, and dental services benefits for general assembly members. All members of the general assembly shall be eligible to receive hospitalservices, surgical-medical services, and dental services, rights and benefitsincluding, but not limited to, the equivalent of the semi-private benefit planof blue cross of Rhode Island, a surgical-medical plan equivalent to the plan100 of blue shield of Rhode Island, a major medical plan equivalent to themajor medical plan of blue cross of Rhode Island and blue shield of RhodeIsland, a prescription drug plan equivalent to the prescription drug plan ofblue shield of Rhode Island, and a dental plan equivalent to delta dental ofRhode Island, both in form as presently and from time to time hereafter ineffect for state employees and on file with and approved by the statedepartment of business regulation, or hospital services, surgical-medicalservices, and other services, rights, and benefits provided by other nonprofithospital service corporations, medical service corporations, dental servicecorporations, or other insurance corporations, which benefits shall be theequivalent of the benefits and services of the above described plans.