§ 36-6-2 Salaries of other general stateofficers. (a) Until December 31, 1998, the salary of the lieutenant governor shall befifty-two thousand dollars ($52,000) per annum; the salary of the secretary ofstate shall be fifty-two thousand dollars ($52,000) per annum; and the salaryof the attorney general shall be fifty-five thousand dollars ($55,000) perannum; the salary of the general treasurer shall be fifty-two thousand dollars($52,000) per annum. After December 31, 1998, the salary of the lieutenantgovernor shall be eighty thousand dollars ($80,000); the salary of thesecretary of state shall be eighty thousand dollars ($80,000); the salary ofthe attorney general shall be eighty-five thousand dollars ($85,000); and thesalary of the general treasurer shall be eighty thousand dollars ($80,000); andthey shall thereafter be adjusted as set forth in § 36-6-1.
(b) The general assembly shall annually appropriate such sumas it may deem necessary to carry out the purposes of this section; and thestate controller is hereby authorized and directed to draw his or her ordersupon the general treasurer for the payment of that sum, or so much thereof asmay be required from time to time, upon receipt by him or her of properlyauthenticated vouchers.