§ 36-6-7 Fees turned over to generaltreasurer. It shall be the duty of any sheriff or deputy sheriff to turn over to thegeneral treasurer at least once each month all fees received by him or her inhis or her official capacity as sheriff or deputy sheriff. It shall be the dutyof the clerks of all district courts and the clerks of all superior courts toturn over to the general treasurer at least once each month all fees actuallycollected by them under the laws of the state in their official capacities asclerks of the several courts, excepting however, all naturalization feesreceived by any clerk. In the event that any state official or employee failsfor a period of more than one month to turn over all fees collected by him orher during the previous month, it shall be the duty of the general treasurer tonotify the attorney general who, if he or she is of the opinion that there hasbeen a dereliction of duty, shall immediately proceed in any proper action oflaw to recover the sum due the state.