§ 36-6-9 Travel expenses of superior courtand family court justices, clerks, and attorney general and assistants. The justices of the superior court, the chief judge and associate justices ofthe family court, and the stenographic clerks of those courts, when sitting orin attendance at any session of those courts held in any county other thanProvidence County shall be allowed and paid, in addition to their salaries,their actual traveling expenses for travel within the state of Rhode Island inconnection with their attendance at those courts. The attorney general and theassistant attorneys general shall also be allowed and paid their actualtraveling expenses for travel within the state of Rhode Island when performingofficial duties outside of Providence County. The general assembly shallannually appropriate a sum sufficient for the payment of those expenses and thestate controller is hereby authorized and directed to draw his or her ordersupon the general treasurer for the payment of that sum, or so much thereof asmay from time to time be required, upon receipt by him or her of propervouchers duly authenticated.