§ 36-7-13 Commission to conductreferendum. (a) When request shall be made of the governor by the retirement board or bythe legislative body of any city, town, or agency that a referendum be heldpursuant to §§ 36-7-10 36-7-21, the governor shallimmediately appoint a commission consisting of seven (7) members who shallconduct the referendum pursuant to the provisions of §§ 36-7-10 36-7-21 and of § 218(d) of the federal Social Security Act, 42U.S.C. § 418(d), as amended, and the commission is hereby empowered toadopt such rules and regulations for conducting the election including thenotice and manner thereof as shall not be inconsistent with the provisions ofthis chapter and of the federal Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 301 etseq.
(b) It shall be the duty of the commission to study,evaluate, and recommend a plan for the inclusion of those members under thefederal Social Security Act, to formulate the question to be voted upon in thereferendum, and to carry out the purposes of §§ 36-7-10 36-7-21.
(c) The members of the commission shall receive nocompensation for their services but are authorized to contract for secretarialand actuarial services and to incur travel and other necessary expenses.