§ 36-7-7 Filing of resolution, ordinance,or vote Contributions Effective date. The resolution, ordinance, or vote, when adopted, shall be filed with thegeneral treasurer of the state. Upon notification by the general treasurer thatthe provisions of this agreement have been approved by the secretary and are infull force and effect as of the effective date of participation of the city,town, or agency of the state, the appropriate officials thereof shall begin towithhold the contribution required from those employees for that coverage andto allocate from its corporate fund an amount equal to the amount of tax whichwould be imposed upon an employer by § 3111 of the federal InsuranceContributions Act, 26 U.S.C. § 3111, if the services for the politicalsubdivision covered by the federal state agreement constituted employmentwithin the meaning of the act. The contributions by the employees and theemployer shall accrue beginning as of the effective date of participation ofsuch city, town, or agency of the state as specified by the general treasurer.Unless otherwise specified in the resolution, ordinance, or vote and agreed toby the general treasurer and the secretary, the effective date of participationof any city, town, or agency of the state shall be the first day of thecalendar year in which the ordinance, resolution, or vote shall be adopted.