§ 36-8-3 Responsibility for administration Rules and regulations. The general administration and the responsibility for the proper operation ofthe retirement system and for making effective the provisions of chapters 8 10 of this title are hereby vested in a retirement board. The retirementboard shall, from time to time, establish rules and regulations for theadministration and transaction of the business of the retirement system. Rulesand regulations which have been or may be established pursuant to theprovisions of this chapter shall be compiled, codified, and published so thatthey shall be generally available to the members of the system. The retirementboard shall also perform such other functions as are required for the executionof chapters 8 10 of this title. The board shall also establish rulesand regulations to govern the provisions of §§ 8-3-16, 8-3-17,8-8-10.1, 8-8-10.2, 8-8.2-7, 8-8.2-8, 28-30-18.1, 28-30-18.2, 42-28-22.1, and42-28-22.2.