§ 36-8-9 Legal adviser Treasurer Executive officers and secretary. (a) There shall be a legal counsel to the board who shall be appointed by thegeneral treasurer. The general treasurer shall be ex-officio chairperson of theretirement board and he or she shall be the custodian of the funds and thetreasurer thereof. There shall also be an executive director who shall beappointed by the retirement board. The executive director shall be in charge ofadministration of the retirement system and shall serve as secretary to theretirement board. In addition, the retirement board shall appoint an assistantdirector who shall serve as director and/or secretary in the absence of thedirector.
(b) Any negotiated agreement entered into after June 1, 1992,between any state or municipal agency or department and an employee oremployees, whose conditions are contrary to the general laws or the rules,regulations, and policies as adopted and promulgated by the retirement boardshall be null and void unless and until approved by formal action of theretirement board for good cause shown.