§ 36-9.1-1 Findings. The general assembly hereby finds the following: The grant of the opportunityto an individual to purchase, pursuant to P.L. 1987, ch. 613 as codified in§ 36-9-33 (repealed by P.L. 88-486), (hereinafter "§ 36-9-33,repealed"), credit in, and/or to become a member of the retirement systemsestablished under chapter 16 of title 16, chapter 21 of title 45, and/orchapters 8 10 of this title ("retirement systems") bears no rationalrelationship to any legitimate governmental purpose. The continued accrual ofbenefits by the beneficiaries of § 36-9-33 (repealed) and the continuedpayment of money under § 36-9-33 (repealed) will cause an invasion of thecorpus of the retirement systems funds in abrogation of those sections of theInternal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended from time to time which apply togovernmental plans (including but not limited to 401(a) and 401(f)) and doesnot further the purposes behind the retirement systems.