§ 36-9-11 Retroactive membership ofelected legislator. Any duly elected member of the general assembly who has previously renderedservice as a member of the general assembly and who for any reason did notbecome a member of the state retirement system at the beginning of his or herservice to the state as a member of the general assembly or who has otherwisefailed to apply for credit for that legislative service may elect to have hisor her period of membership made retroactive to the date when he or she wassworn in as a member of the general assembly irrespective of his or her age onthat date; provided, that the elected member of the general assembly makesapplication to the board, and pays into the retirement system, in such manneras the board should by regulation provide, the contributions he or she wouldhave paid into the system had he or she become a member immediately on the dateof his or her being sworn in as a member of the general assembly, plus regularinterest to date of payment.