§ 36-9-25.1 Leave service credits. (a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of the retirement law or rulings ofthe retirement board in accordance with the powers vested therein, stateemployees with at least one year of service who have been granted by theirappointing authority a leave of absence without pay to further their educationin the field of their state employment, shall be entitled to credit as servicefor the various purposes of their retirement system, provided the person, uponcompletion of his or her educational leave, returns to state service for atleast one year; and provided further that the employee makes arrangements topay into the retirement system on or before the date of retirement and in suchmanner as the retirement board may prescribe an amount equal to the fullactuarial cost as defined in subsection 36-8-1(9) based upon his or herexpected compensation but for the granting of leave without pay.
(b) Any state employee who is granted a leave of absencewithout pay for illness, injury, or any other reason may receive credittherefor by making the full actuarial cost as defined in subsection 36-8-1(9);provided the employee returns to state service for at least one year uponcompletion of the leave. Credit for leaves of absence shall be limited in theaggregate during the total service of an employee to a period of four (4) years.