§ 37-13-10 Overtime compensation. Labor performed under the provisions of §§ 37-13-1 37-13-16,during the period of forty (40) hours in any one week and during the period ofeight (8) hours in any one day, shall be considered a legal week's work or alegal day's work, as the case may be, and any number of hours of employment inany one week greater than the number of forty (40) hours or in any one daygreater than the number of eight (8) hours shall be compensated at theprevailing rate of wages for overtime employment; provided, however, when thedirector of labor and training has determined in the investigation provided forin §§ 37-13-7 and 37-13-8 that there is a prevailing practice in acity, town, or other appropriate political subdivision to pay an overtime rateof wages for work of any craft, mechanic, teamster, laborer, or type of workerneeded to execute the work other than hours worked in any one week greater thanthe number of forty (40) or in hours worked in any one day greater than thenumber of eight (8), then the prevailing practice shall determine the legalworkday and the legal workweek in the city or town for the work and theprevailing rate of overtime wages shall be paid for such work in excess of thatlegal workday or week, as the case may be.