§ 37-13-11 Posting of prevailing wagerates. Each contractor awarded a contract for public works with a contract price inexcess of one thousand dollars ($1,000), and each subcontractor who performswork on those public works, shall post in conspicuous places on the project,where covered workers are employed, posters which contain the current,prevailing rate of wages and the current, prevailing rate of payments to thefunds required to be paid for each craft or type of worker employed to executethe contract as set forth in §§ 37-13-6 and 37-13-7, and the rightsand remedies of any employee described in § 37-13-17 for nonpayment of anywages earned pursuant to this chapter. Posters shall be furnished tocontractors and subcontractors by the director of labor and training, who shalldetermine the size and context thereof from time to time, at the time acontract is awarded. A contractor or subcontractor who fails to comply with theprovisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shallpay to the director of labor and training one hundred dollars ($100) for eachcalendar day of noncompliance as determined by him or her. Contracts set forthin this section shall not be awarded by the state, any city, town, or anyagency thereof until the director of labor and training has prepared anddelivered the posters to the division of purchases, if the state or any agencythereof is the proper authority, or to the city, town, or an agency thereof, ifit is the proper authority, and the contractor to whom the contract is to beawarded.