§ 37-13-5 Payment for trucking ormaterials furnished Withholding of sums due. A contractor or subcontractor on public works authorized by a proper authorityshall pay any obligation or charge for trucking and material which have beenfurnished for the use of the contractor or subcontractor, in connection withthe public works being performed by him or her, within ninety (90) days afterthe obligation or charge is incurred or the trucking service has been performedor the material has been delivered to the site of the work, whichever is later.When it is brought to the notice of the proper authority in a city or town, orthe proper authority in the state having supervision of the contract, that theobligation or charge has not been paid by the contractor or subcontractor, theproper authority may deduct and hold for a period not exceeding sixty (60)days, from sums of money due to the contractor or subcontractor, the equivalentamount of such sums certified by a trucker or materialman creditor as due himor her, as provided in this section, and which the proper authority determinesis reasonable for trucking performed or materials furnished for the publicworks.