§ 37-13-6 Ascertainment of prevailing rateof wages and other payments Specification of rate in call for bids andin contract. Before awarding any contract for public works to be done, the proper authorityshall ascertain from the director of labor and training the general prevailingrate of the regular, holiday, and overtime wages paid and the generalprevailing payments on behalf of employees only, to lawful welfare, pension,vacation, apprentice training, and educational funds (payments to the fundsmust constitute an ordinary business expense deduction for federal income taxpurposes by contractors) in the city, town, village, or other appropriatepolitical subdivision of the state in which the work is to be performed, foreach craft, mechanic, teamster, laborer, or type of worker needed to executethe contract for the public works. The proper authority shall, also, specify inthe call for bids for the contract and in the contract itself the generalprevailing rate of the regular, holiday, and overtime wages paid and thepayments on behalf of employees only, to the welfare, pension, vacation,apprentice training, and education funds existing in the locality for eachcraft, mechanic, teamster, laborer, or type of worker needed to execute thecontract or work.