§ 37-15-13 Allocation of funds. (a) The department shall allocate and distribute money from the litter controlappropriation, by way of grants or transfers, to eligible persons for thefollowing activities:
(1) Collecting litter along public streets and highways, onparks and recreation lands, and on or along the waters of the state including,but not limited to, expenditures for a youth corps litter program which ishereby created and which shall employ persons from the state. To facilitatelitter collection, the department shall transfer fifty-six thousand two hundredand fifty dollars ($56,250) on July 1, 1993, October 1, 1993, January 1, 1994,April 1, 1994, and every year thereafter, to the Department of Corrections forthe purposes of litter pick-up on the state's highways;
(2) Establishing or expanding community recycling centers;
(3) Improving enforcement of litter laws;
(4) Purchasing litter receptacles, litter bags, collectionand pickup equipment, and related materials;
(5) Designing and publishing a state anti-litter symbol;
(6) Organizing and conducting educational programs designedto increase public awareness of the litter problem, the need for compliancewith anti-litter laws, the need for recycling, and the availability ofcommunity recycling centers;
(7) Conducting initial surveys of the amount and compositionof litter on the public places in the state and conducting follow-up surveys tomeasure the progress of litter reduction and recycling programs; and
(8) Purchasing and erecting roadside signs indicating thepenalties imposed for littering or the availability of community recyclingcenters.
(b) Any city or town that initiates a program mandatingseparation of certain forms of garbage, rubbish, or trash (such as newspapers,bottles, and cans) for the purpose of recycling shall be eligible to receive agrant or loan from the litter control account for that program.
(c) The department shall not use any funds for the purpose ofreplacing any litter pickup or rubbish removal activity presently performed bythe department.
(d) The department of transportation shall continue to beresponsible for the removal of litter from all state highways.