§ 37-15-15 Duties of the department. In addition to the foregoing, the department shall:
(1) Serve as the coordinating agency between the variousindustry organizations seeking to aid in the anti litter and recycling efforts;
(2) Recommend to the governing bodies of all localgovernments that they adopt ordinances consistent with the provisions of thischapter;
(3) Cooperate with all local governments to accomplishcoordination of local anti litter and recycling efforts;
(4) Encourage, organize, and coordinate all voluntary localanti litter and recycling campaigns seeking to focus the attention of thepublic on the programs of this state to control and remove litter and to fosterrecycling;
(5) Investigate the availability of and apply for fundsavailable from any private or public source to be used in the program outlinedin this chapter;
(6) Develop statewide programs to increase public awarenessof and participation in recycling and to encourage community recycling centers,public participation in recycling and research and development in the field oflitter control, and recycling, removal, and disposal of litter relatedrecycling materials;
(7) Establish a technical assistance program to assist citiesand towns in establishing separation recycling programs in conjunction withrecycling collection centers to be constructed at state solid waste managementfacilities.