§ 37-15-2 Declaration of purpose. (a) The purpose of this chapter is to accomplish litter control and establishcommunity recycling programs throughout this state by delegating to thedepartment of environmental management the authority to:
(1) Conduct a permanent and continuous program to control andremove litter from this state to the maximum practical extent possible;
(2) Recover and recycle waste materials related to litter andlittering;
(3) Encourage private recycling; and
(4) Increase public awareness of the need for recycling andlitter control.
(b) It is further the intent and purpose of this chapter tocreate jobs for employment in litter cleanup and related activities and toencourage small, private recycling centers.
(c) This program shall include the compatible goal ofrecovery of recyclable materials to conserve energy and natural resourceswherever practicable.
(d) Every department of state government and all localgovernmental units and agencies of this state shall cooperate with thedepartment of environmental management in the administration and enforcement ofthis chapter.
(e) The intent of this chapter is to add to and coordinateexisting recycling and litter control and removal efforts and not terminate orsupplant those efforts.