§ 37-15-5 Enforcement. (a) State police officers, local police officers, forest rangers, park policeofficers, conservation officers, all other state and local enforcementofficers, and department staff members as designated by the director are herebyauthorized to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
(b) All violations of this chapter shall be heard by thetraffic tribunal in accordance with § 8-8.2-2.
(2) Subsection (b)(1) shall not be construed to limit thejurisdiction of any court to hear violations of other laws, including localordinances and regulations relating to litter.
(c) Cities and towns may, through their chief executiveofficers, authorize designated municipal employees in addition to thosedescribed in subsection (a) to enforce the provisions of this chapter. Theemployees may also be authorized to enforce local ordinances and regulationsrelating to litter.