§ 37-16-26 Satisfaction of award. –(a) An award which requires the payment of a sum of money by a city, town, thestate, or any body described in § 37-16-2 created or organized by orthrough the authority of any of them, shall be satisfied to the extent ofpayment of that sum by payment thereof to the party to whom the award was madeby the treasurer or officer exercising the duties of a treasurer thereof fromits general funds.
(b) An award which requires the payment of a sum of money toa city, a town, or the state or any body described in § 37-16-2 created ororganized by or through the authority of any of them shall be satisfied to theextent of payment of that sum by payment thereof to its treasurer or officerexercising the duties of a treasurer thereof who shall deposit the same in itsgeneral funds.