§ 37-16-5 Jurisdiction of superior courtto enforce arbitration provision and awards. The entering into a contract in writing providing for arbitration shall bedeemed a consent of all parties, including those enumerated in § 37-16-2,thereto to the jurisdiction of the superior court of this state to enforce thearbitration provision and any award made pursuant to that provision. A partyaggrieved by the failure, neglect, or refusal of another to perform under acontract providing for arbitration, may petition the superior court, or a judgethereof, for an order directing that arbitration proceed in the manner providedfor in the contract. Five (5) days' notice in writing of the application shallbe served upon the party in default. Service thereof shall be made in themanner specified in the contract, and if no manner specified therein, then inthe manner provided by law for personal service of a summons, within or withoutthe state, or substituted service of a summons, or upon satisfactory proof thatthe party aggrieved has been or will be unable with due diligence to makeservice in any of the foregoing manners, then notice shall be served in suchmanner as the court or judge may direct. A judge of the superior court shallhear the parties and upon being satisfied that there is no substantial issue asto the making of the contract or the failure to comply therewith, the court, orthe judge thereof, hearing the application, shall make an order directing theparties to proceed to arbitration in accordance with the terms of the contract.