§ 37-2.2-3 Preference for products andservices produced by persons with disabilities. (a) Whenever any products made, manufactured by, or services provided bynonprofit rehabilitation facilities, or in profit making facilities where sixtypercent (60%) of the work hours or direct labor is performed by employees whoare disabled, meet the requirements of any department, institution, or agencysupported, in whole or in part, by the state as to quantity, quality, andprice, those products shall have preference over products or services fromother providers.
(b) All departments, institutions, and agencies supported, inwhole or in part, by the state shall purchase articles made or manufactured andservices provided by persons with disabilities. Any political subdivision ofthe state may purchase those articles and services directly from those agencies.
(c) A list describing the styles, designs, sizes, andvarieties of articles made by persons with disabilities and describing allavailable services and subcontract work which can be provided by those personsshall be prepared by the governor's commission on disabilities, disabilitybusiness enterprise committee in cooperation with the state office ofrehabilitation services. The governor's commission on disabilities shallcooperate with various facilities for persons with disabilities by submittingnecessary information concerning the products and services to the statepurchasing agent.