§ 37-2.2-3.1 Policy and applicability. It is the policy of the state of Rhode Island that small disadvantageddisability businesses shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in theperformance of procurements and projects as outlined in this chapter. Thischapter shall apply to any and all state purchasing, including, but not limitedto, the procurement of goods and services, construction projects, or contractsfunded in whole or in part by state funds, or funds which, in accordance with afederal grant or otherwise, the state expends or administers or in which thestate is a signatory to the construction contract.
The director of administration, in consultation with thegovernor's commission on disabilities, is authorized and directed to establishrules and regulations for awarding contracts to small disadvantaged businessesowned and controlled by persons with disabilities in the procurement of goods,services, construction projects, or contracts funded in whole or in part bystate funds, in accordance with § 37-2-9(b)(14).