§ 37-2.2-4 Disability business enterprisecommittee Membership Duties. (a) There is hereby established within the governor's commission ondisabilities a committee, consisting of nine (9) persons, to be known as thedisability business enterprise committee.
(b) The committee, shall consist of the director of thedepartment of human services or his or her designee; the director of thedepartment of mental health, retardation, and hospitals or his or her designee;the director of the economic development corporation or his or her designee;the state purchasing agent or his or her designee; and two (2) persons withdisabilities and three (3) representatives of rehabilitation facilities in thestate of Rhode Island appointed by the chairperson of the governor's commissionon disabilities. All members of the committee shall serve without compensation.Of the number appointed originally under this chapter, one-third (1/3) shall beappointed for a term of one year; one-third (1/3) shall be appointed for a termof two (2) years; and one-third (1/3) shall be appointed for a term of three(3) years. Thereafter, vacancies created by expiration of terms shall be filledwith appointments for terms of three (3) years. Members whose terms expire maybe reappointed to succeed themselves. The chairperson of the governor'scommission on disabilities or his or her designee shall serve as chairperson ofthe committee. The members of the committee shall elect a vice chairperson andother officers as are necessary from amongst themselves annually.
(c) The governor's commission on disabilities shallpromulgate such rules and regulations, in accordance with the AdministrativeProcedures Act, chapter 35 of title 42, as are necessary and proper to ensureresponsible management, operation, oversight of the committee, and ensure thatall facilities, both nonprofit and profit-making, referred to in §§37-2.2-3 and 37-2.2-3.1 meet all applicable government regulations andstandards, including those of the United States department of labor, the statedepartment of human services, and the chief purchasing officer with regard todeveloping a program which involves small disadvantaged businesses ascontractors, § 37-2-9(b)(14).
(d) The committee shall establish a procedure to certifysmall disadvantaged disability businesses and rehabilitation facilities thatqualify under their regulation for a preference under § 37-2.2-3 or37-2.2-3.1 and submit a list of the certified small disadvantaged disabilitybusinesses and rehabilitation facilities and the products and services providedby them to the chief purchasing officer at least once a year. The chiefpurchasing officer shall utilize that list in the program which involves smalldisadvantaged businesses as contractors established by § 37-2-9(b)(14).