§ 37-20-1 Big River Reservoir Development prohibited. (a) All land acquired by the state or any subdivision thereof for thedevelopment of the "Big River Reservoir" so-called, including any land acquiredby the Big River Wood River Reservoir Site Acquisition Act, P.L. 1964,ch. 133, shall not be sold nor shall the land be developed in any way. Thestate shall not allow any future development or continued development on thatproperty, and the property shall be designated "open space" as defined in§ 45-36-1(1) (7).
Provided, however, that the foregoing shall not be construedto prohibit the use of the said property as a water reservoir, or for thedevelopment of wells and well sites together with any infrastructure necessaryfor the treatment, transmission, storage and distribution of drinking water ifthe water resources board determines that exploration or development ofgroundwater is appropriate, then it shall not require legislative action toremove the property from the "open space" for the purposes of groundwaterdevelopment as defined in § 45-36-1(1) (8).
(b) Non-motorized bicycles are permitted upon and along landdesignated as the "Big River Management Area". The water resources board, inconsultation with the department of environmental management shall withinthirty (30) days of the passage of this act adopt rules and regulations thatinclude but are not limited to the appropriate designated areas and definedhours for said uses in the management area.