§ 37-22-2 Legislative findings. The general assembly finds that:
(1) The realignment of Interstate Route 195 through the Cityof Providence provides a unique opportunity to advance public purposes bytransforming a major transportation project into an important economic andcivic development opportunity;
(2) This opportunity arises, in large part, from certain landto be made available for redevelopment due to the relocation of InterstateRoute 195 and its access roads;
(3) The clearance of highway structures, replatting,redevelopment and improvement of such land shall spur economic development and,as such, is in the public interest;
(4) In addition, this unique opportunity can be utilized toadvance the state's ability to improve public education, public services andinfrastructure, thus, furthering an even more critical public purpose;
(5) The state would greatly benefit from the participation ofprivate institutions in the improvement of public education, public servicesand infrastructure.