§ 37-22-4 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the followingmeaning:
(1) "Acquiring authority" means an acquiring authority asdefined in Chapter 7 of this Title.
(2) "Board" means the I-195 Redevelopment Board.
(3) "Comprehensive agreement" means a comprehensive agreementbetween the board and those persons obligated to undertake a qualifying projectas set forth in § 37-22-7.
(4) "Material default" means any default by the privateentity in the performance of its duties under a comprehensive agreement of§ 37-22-10 of this chapter that jeopardizes adequate service to the publicfrom a qualifying project and remains unremedied after the board has providednotice to the private entity and a reasonable cure period has elapsed.
(5) "Permits and approvals" means all permits, licenses,variances and/or approvals to be issued by state and/or local agencies asnecessary for the development, construction and/or operation of a qualifyingproject.
(6) "Plan" means the I-195 Old Harbor Plan (October 1992)adopted by the State of Rhode Island, City of Providence and ProvidenceFoundation, a nonbusiness corporation.
(7) "Private entity" means any person, institution and/orentity proposing to undertake a qualifying project and to enter into acomprehensive agreement for the development, construction and/or operation of aqualifying project.
(8) "Project area" means that area which is bounded by PineStreet, Chestnut Street, Clifford and Foster Streets.
(9) "Public-private partnerships" means prearrangementsbetween the public and private sectors for the delivery by the private sectorof certain sector of certain public infrastructure and/or public services,which traditionally would have been provided by the public sector and funded byproperty taxes.
(10) "Qualifying project" means the privately fundedredevelopment, construction and operation of a project within the project areaand in furtherance of the plans planning principals as provided in the OldHarbor Plan (October 1992). Qualifying projects shall include, but not belimited to, institutional uses.
(11) "State-owned property" means property to which title isvested in the State of Rhode Island and located in the project area.