§ 37-22-5 Board. (a) There is hereby established a board to take custody, control andsupervision over certain real property, title to which is vested in the Stateof Rhode Island, to review applications for qualifying projects, to approve orreject said applications, to negotiate and enter into comprehensive agreements,to assist in expediting all permits and approvals pursuant to the comprehensiveagreements, to administer and enforce comprehensive agreements, and to exercisethe authority necessary to accomplish the purposes of this chapter. However, noreal property currently within the freeway line of the interstate shall betransferred to the board for sale, lease, or utilization pursuant to apublic-private partnership, until the project area becomes available forredevelopment pursuant to the plan.
(b) The board shall consist of nine (9) members as follows:two (2) public members to be appointed by the speaker of the house for a termof four (4) years; two (2) public members to be appointed by the majorityleader of the senate for a term of four (4) years; two (2) members to beappointed by the Governor of the State of Rhode Island, one member being apublic member and the other member being the director of the Rhode Islanddepartment of transportation, for a term of four (4) years; two (2) publicmembers to be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Providence, one memberbeing the City of Providence's director of planning, for a term of four (4)years; and one public member to be appointed by the Providence Foundation, anonbusiness corporation for a term of four (4) years. All members shall serveuntil successors are appointed. A member shall be eligible to succeed himselfor herself.
(c) Board members shall select a chairperson and vicechairperson. A quorum necessary to conduct business shall consist of five (5)members of the board. A majority vote of the quorum present shall be requiredfor action.
(d) The members of the board shall not receive anycompensation. The members of the board shall be reimbursed for their actualexpenses necessarily incurred in the performance of their duties. The board mayengage professionals and consultants as it deems necessary.
(e) The board shall promulgate rules and regulations pursuantto the Rhode Island Administrative Procedures Act, § 42-35-1 et seq. Thegeneral assembly shall provide meeting space for the board.
(f) The board shall be authorized to establish reasonableapplication fees. These fees shall cover the estimated expenses of reviewingthe applications and the execution of the comprehensive agreements.