§ 37-23-2 Board of safety awarenesscreated. There is hereby established, within the Division of Professional Regulation, aBoard of Safety Awareness, hereinafter referred to as "the board", which shallat all times consist of nine (9) qualified electors of the state, all of whomshall have successfully completed the OSHA ten (10) hour construction safetyprogram.
Annually, on or before January 31st, the director of laborand training shall appoint a member or members of the board to succeed themember or members whose term is at that time expiring who shall serve for three(3) years or until his/her successor is appointed and qualified. Any vacancy,which may occur in the board from any cause, shall be filled by the directorfor the remainder of the unexpired term. In the interest of maintainingconsistency, the nine (9) members initially appointed to the Board of SafetyAwareness will serve staggered term as follows: the three (3) officers willserve a three (3) year term; three (3) members will serve a two (2) year term;and three (3) members will serve a one (1) year term.
The board shall elect from its membership a chairperson, whoshall have obtained at least a minimum of the thirty (30) hour constructionsafety program as it pertains to the construction sector under OSHA regulations1926.
The board shall also elect from its membership avice-chairperson and a secretary, both of whom shall have successfullycompleted at least a minimum of the thirty (30) hour construction safetyprogram as it pertains to the construction sector under OSHA regulations 1926.
The board shall advise and assist the division ofprofessional regulation on promoting and promulgating such policies as may benecessary to improve safety on construction worksites subject to the approvalof the director.
The board may recommend to the director of labor andtraining, the replacement of a member who misses three (3) consecutiveregularly scheduled monthly meetings.
The final authority on all questions of procedure andparliamentary law not covered by the rules/bylaws of this board or by theAdministrative Procedures Act of the State of Rhode Island shall be Robert'sRules of Order.
There shall be a chief investigator for the division whoshall have obtained at least a minimum successful completion of the thirty (30)hour construction safety program as it pertains to the construction sectorunder OSHA regulations 1926. He or she shall be appointed by the director oflabor and training, upon recommendation from the board of safety awareness, andthe position shall be in the classified service.
There shall be a secretary for the safety awareness sectionwho is in the classified service.